Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Soft power can bring you from last bench to first bench of your class

The days have gone by, when libraries were full of scholars; phone-calls used to be booked and the waiting longed for hours. Bills were paid by standing in long queues; Book of accounts existed in paper registers, and Bank information resided in big fat ledger folios, and so on…

Similarly, now…all commercial establishments have literally become location independent.
Your factory or show-room may reside anywhere on Earth, as long as you can manage all the resources required, from your business-place, a software support like Website, web-portal and web-applications - using the internet backbone - will certainly project your business and help stand-out in the front-row of your business-class.

If your product is used by other business-houses (B2B) like yourselves, then a “website” and “web application” does the job for you, and if your product is meant directly for the consumer (B2C) then a virtual show-room, an “e-commerce portal” is your answer.

Therefore, whether you are a back-bencher or in the front-row of your business-class, the need for soft power is essential to project your business on global panorama.

Otherwise, as harsh as it may sound, if you are in the front-row and without soft-power, a back-bencher projecting their business using soft-power strategies like digital media marketing, website, web-portal, might breathe-out the whole of your established business.

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